About Me

Melanie received a B.A. in Psychology with departmental and Latin honors from Duke University in 2009, and an M.A. in Social Psychology in 2011 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she is currently a doctoral candidate.

Her research interests include goals/motivation, risk behavior prevention, persuasion, and the effects of power, status, and social class on attitudes and behavior.

Her personal interests include her cats (Daisy & Mason) and dog (Homer), Duke basketball, Tough Mudders, zombie lore, and way too many horrible TV shows.

You can find her on Twitter or Google+, and also at her personal website. She can also be reached by e-mail at psysocietyblog@gmail.com.

5 responses to “About Me

  1. I just wanted to say hello and that I’m enjoying what you’ve written on your blog so far. In general, people don’t like to be told that a “spade is a spade” — but I find it refreshing. Thanks.

  2. Pingback: What Can The X-Men Teach Us About All Kinds of Stereotypes? | Adios Barbie

  3. I just finished exploring your blog. I liked what I saw, so I added you to my RSS feed. Keep it up!

  4. Loving the blog, Melanie! so proud of your work!

  5. can i know about you ? I like you.

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